Analyze grade distribution data for any past University of Houston course

Please enter course or instructor. Example: MATH 1310, Renu Khator, College Algebra

Frequently Asked Question:

When will Fall/Spring/Summer 20XX data get added?

As of January 27, 2022, requests for new grade data are sent automatically via email to UH.

  • Fall data is requested on January 28 every year
  • Spring data is requested on May 30 every year
  • Summer data is requested on August 30 every year

This is to give UH time to finalize their grades and so we are not harassing their staff after or during any holidays. UH typically takes about a week to respond with the data, and sometimes even longer. Once we have the data from UH, adding the data to the site is a semi-automated process that takes about 1-2 hours.

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