Power Systems Analysis
ECE 6377
Credit Hours: 3.0
Lecture Contact Hours: 3 Lab Contact Hours: 0
Prerequisite: MECE 5332 or consent of instructor.
Motion of a continuum, polar decomposition, measures of strain; rate of deformation and vorticity; transport theorem, balance laws; general constitutive theory, material symmetry, invariance requirements.
Lecture Contact Hours: 3 Lab Contact Hours: 0
Prerequisite: MECE 5332 or consent of instructor.
Motion of a continuum, polar decomposition, measures of strain; rate of deformation and vorticity; transport theorem, balance laws; general constitutive theory, material symmetry, invariance requirements.
Basic Information
- Earliest record:
- Latest record:
- Number of instructors:
- Number of sections:
- Average number of students per section: