Analyze grade distribution data for any past University of Houston course

Please enter course or instructor. Example: MATH 1310, Renu Khator, College Algebra

Find every course.

Plan your degree with the knowledge to succeed. With data from Fall 2013 to present, we have information about every course and section taught at UH.


Top 48 most enrolled courses at UH.
Top 48 most enrolled courses at UH.

Know your instructors.

Gain insight by learning more about who your professors are. View previously taught courses and compare grades that their students received.


Top 100 unique instructor lastnames, weighted by number of sections taught.
Top 100 unique instructor lastnames.

Public data. Open data.

We use data sourced via the Texas Public Information Act and provided by the UH Office of the General Counsel, among other official sources. To promote trust and collaboration, we've published all the data used by our site so anyone can inspect it and use it in their own creative ways.

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By students. For students.

CougarGrades is open-source and developed by students past and present. Whether you're interested in contributing to or repurposing our code, check us out on Github!

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